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楼主发表于:2011-04-16 04:30只看该作者倒序浏览
1楼 电梯直达
奥兰多对福汇律师事务所的文件和FXDD的集体诉讼 一提起集体诉讼案是在1011年2月8日试营业所​​,摩根&摩根,PA组对外汇资本市场,有限责任公司(福汇)在美国地区法院对纽约(曼哈顿部)南区。 另一诉讼是由同一律师事务所于2011年2月11日对FXDirectDealer,有限责任公司(FXDD的)在同一法庭。 在这两种情况下,诉讼称欺诈,欺骗性贸易惯例,诈骗和这两个福汇和FXDD的有欺骗和不公平和欺骗性的做法数以千计的客户与旨在系统地骗取他们的钱​​了系统的客户,他们提出了他们的外汇交易平台作为公平和透明的,当它本质上是一个“造游戏”。 投诉指责欺诈FXCM及FXDD的交易平台通过歪曲他们​​,称他们是从经销商干预或操纵,而不是免费的,但他们通过他们的软件系统采用了多项干预技巧与客户的交易。 除此之外,这两个非常大的外汇经纪公司被指控 - 路由有利可图的客户交易减缓服务器或发送虚假的错误信息,当客户试图关闭有利可图的交易。 要通过一个模拟账户提供真实的市场价格,但一旦客户开了一个真实帐户交易平台的吸引客户,真正的市场价格没了。 印制假冒“闪光的行业”,以虚假触发特定行业的客户停止订单。 操纵延误,这是在价格之间的报价,时间和顺序放置时的变化。 自然滑移应大致50/50是否受惠于经纪人或交易商。 投诉称,记录了对延误事件,受益很大比例的经纪人证明是操纵价格的证据。 这些做法并不新鲜,很多有经验的外汇交易者,因为他们已经不择手段的外汇经纪行之多年。 在最佳网上外汇交易商把我们赞赏这些诉讼,摩根&摩根律师事务所。 不管结果如何,这将是有趣的,看看这些做法是在白天看到所有灯显示。 这可能只是更多的诉讼陆续开始作为首席辩护律师塔克阁下伯德说:“我们正在继续带来的益处,我们认为已经发生数千名客户的外汇交易商多年来已委托谁纠正诉讼与他们的客户的钱。不幸的是,许多从事外汇交易商问题的做法,我们所要追求的任何及所有这些,直到我们制止这种违法行为。“ 而且也有这 - 卡恩斯威克&Foti,有限责任公司(“关键成功因素”)及关键成功因素的合作伙伴,路易斯安那州前总检察长查尔斯三Foti,律师事务所有小福汇一提起集体诉讼。 此类行动是福汇,并在其首次公开招股,瑞士信贷,花旗集团和JP摩根,所涉及的每个承销商“,包括或允许重大虚假和误导性陈述的登记申请表中和福汇股东收取和各国代表招股说明书与发行新股连接在1933年直接违反了证券法。“ 事实上,福汇和FXDD的是两个名为经纪人在这些情况下也真的给了他们的3.46和4.38,收视率分别为独立贸易商并不奇怪。 你看,经验丰富,盈利贸易商会捡起这些欺诈行为,使其他地方开业。 这就是为什么像这样的公司做广告如此严重。 他们是新客户的需要,因为优秀的交易者总是走在其他地方和其他人失去了他们所有的钱。 因此,信托作为一种谨慎的话,你的同行,并坚持使用本网站的经纪人有一个良好的独立交易商的评级。 他们可以找到我们的最热门商品网上外汇经纪页面。



楼主发表于:2011-04-16 04:37只看该作者
Orlando Law Firm Files Class Action Lawsuits Against FXCM and FXDD
A class action lawsuit was filed in the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York (Manhattan Division) on February 8, 1011 by the Business Trial Group of Morgan & Morgan, P.A. against Forex Capital Markets, LLC (FXCM). Another suit was filed by the same law firm in the same court on February 11, 2011 against FXDirectDealer, LLC (FXDD). In both cases the suit alleges fraud, deceptive trade practices, and racketeering and that both FXCM and FXDD have defrauded thousands of customers with unfair and deceptive practices with systems designed to systematically defraud customers out of their money and that they presented their forex trading platforms as fair and transparent when essentially it was a "rigged game". The complaints accuse FXCM and FXDD of fraud by misrepresenting their trading platforms, saying the they were free from dealer intervention or manipulation but that they instead through their software systems used a number of tricks to interfere with customers' trades. Among other things, these two very large forex brokerage houses are accused of - Routing profitable customer trades to slow servers or sending false error messages when customers tried to close profitable trades. Lured customers to the trading platform through a demo account which provided true market pricing but once the customers opened a live account, the true market pricing was no more. Printed bogus "flash trades" to falsely trigger customers stop orders for given trades. Manipulated slippage, which is the change in price between the time of a price quote and when the order is placed. Natural slippage should be roughly 50/50 in whether it benefitted the broker or the trader. The complaint alleges that documented proof of the great percentage of incidents of slippage that benefitted the brokers is proof of price manipulation. Many of these practices are not new to experienced forex traders as they have been practiced by unscrupulous forex brokers for many years. We at Best Online Forex Brokers applaud the law firm of Morgan & Morgan for bringing these lawsuits. No matter the outcome, it will be interesting to see these practices be shown in the light of day for all to see. This may just be the beginning of more lawsuits to come as Lead Trial Counsel Tucker H. Byrd said "We are continuing to bring legal action for redress of wrongs that we believe have occurred to thousands of Forex customers for years by dealers who have been entrusted with their customers' money. Unfortunately, many Forex dealers engage in questionable practices, and we intend to pursue any and all of them until we have put an end to these abuses." And there is also this - The law firm of Kahn Swick & Foti, LLC ("KSF") and KSF partner, former Attorney General of Louisiana, Charles C. Foti, Jr. have filed a class action suit against FXCM. This class action is on behalf of FXCM stockholders and states that FXCM and the underwriters involved in their IPO, Credit Suisse, CitiGroup and J.P. Morgan, are each charged with "including or allowing the inclusion of materially false and misleading statements in the Registration Statement and Prospectus issued in connection with the IPO, in direct violation of the Securities Act of 1933." The fact that FXCM and FXDD are the two brokers named in these cases is also really no surprise given their independent trader ratings of 3.46 and 4.38, respectively. You see, experienced and profitable traders will pick up on these deceptive practices and bring their business elsewhere. This is why companies like these advertise so heavily. They are always in need of new clients because the good traders go elsewhere and the others lose all their money. S
o, as a word of caution, trust your fellow traders and stick with the brokers on this site that have a good independent trader rating. They can be found on our Top Rated Online Forex Brokers page.









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