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楼主发表于:2006-10-07 16:06只看该作者倒序浏览
1楼 电梯直达
“新加坡的经济成就言过其实,远远比不上印度和中国”,摩根士丹利亚太区首席经济学家谢国忠没有想到,他9月份一封批评新加坡的内部电邮成为了他10年大摩生涯的终结者。据《华尔街日报》报道,由于得罪了新加坡,堪称大摩“活招牌”的谢国忠已于上周五宣布辞职。   “上周五是谢国忠在公司的最后一个工作日”,大摩亚洲区发言人张宝玲日前确认称,谢国忠已因为“个人原因”宣布辞职。   但内情可能远非如此无趣,《华尔街日报》昨天透露,谢国忠辞职与其在9月18日所写的一封含有对新加坡不敬言论的内部电子邮件有关,当时他正在新加坡参与世界银行和IMF(国际货币基金组织)年会。   “所有人都在争先恐后奉承新加坡全球化的成功......”,谢国忠在电邮中描述了他在新加坡参加由该国总理举办晚宴的情形。   谢国忠在邮件中表示,新加坡的经济成就言过其实,远远比不上印度和中国。新加坡人均国民收入过去几年未有大幅增长,而中国的GDP同期则上升了3倍之多。   该电邮原本在大摩内部流传,旨在供收件者之间的内部讨论,但不久却外泄,并在区内基金及银行界广泛流传,令大摩处境相当尴尬。   作为区域金融中心的新加坡是大摩和其他海外投行在亚洲的重要活动地点。摩根士丹利在新加坡是数一数二的投资银行。根据DealogicInc.提供的资料,就为并购交易提供咨询业务而言,摩根士丹利在新加坡的地位仅次于高盛。在过去2年间,摩根士丹利在为企业并购提供咨询方面更是排在第一位。   大摩亚洲区发言人张宝玲称,该电邮仅反映了谢国忠本人的意见,并不代表大摩立场,“大摩是新加坡的忠实支持者,而且十分尊敬新加坡取得的成就”。   摩根士丹利没有透露将如何处罚把这封电邮公之于众的内部人士,但将公司内部文件泄漏出去违背了该公司的行为准则。 ===================================================== ===Andy Xie The purported text of his leaked e-mail: I participated in the panels on Commodity (sic) and China-India and in some obligatory dinner parties. On Friday night the Singapore prime minister invited the speakers at the meeting that the Singapore government organised. Trichet, Larry Summers, Paul Volker (sic) Chuck Price, the finance ministers of ASEAN countries were there. No government official from China was there …guess I was there to make it look like China was represented. The dinner was turned into an Oprah with PM Lee Hsein Long (sic) at the center. The topic was on the future of globalization. People fawned him like a prince. Of course, he is. There are two reigning princes in the world that the Davos crowd kiss up to, Jordan and Singapore. The Davos crowd are Republican on economic issues and democratic on social issues. Somehow they manage to put aside their moral misgivings and kiss up to Lee Hsein Long and Abdullah. I tried to find out why Singapore was chosen to host the conference. Nobody knew. Some thought it was a strange choice because Singapore was so far from any action or the hot topic of China and India. Mumbai or Shanghai would have been a lot more appropriate. ASEAN has been a failure. Its GDP in nominal dollar terms has not changed for 10 years. Singapore’s per capita income has not changed either at $25,000. China’s GDP in dollar terms has tripled during the same period. I thought the questioners were competing with each other to praise Singapore as the success story of globalisation. Actually, Singapore’s success came mainly from being the money laundering center for corrupt Indonesian businessmen and government officials. Indonesia has no money. So Singapore isn’t doing well. To sustain its economy, Singapore is building casinos to attract corrupt money from China. These western people didn’t know what they were talking about. Aside from the nauseating pleasantries some useful information came out of it. Trichet sounded very bullish on euro-zone economy (sic). He noted that euro-zone was catching up with the US in growth rate (sic) and talked about further gain in 2007. His tone was much more bullish than our house view. As Japan is surprising on the downside, I don't see how the rise of euro-yen could be stopped. Larry Summers and Paul Volker (sic) were very worried about the US economy. As you probably know, Alan Greenspan is talking the same way. At the CLSA conference last week, he talked like one of his critics. There is fear of a US collapse. Many Americans think that an RMB reval (sic) would save the US. This is just a dream, in my view. Most were worried about the future of globalisation due to income inequality. As average workers in the west are not seeing wage increase (sic), they may vote against globalisation. I thought that they were understating the benefit from cheap consumer goods. However, as inflation comes back, it does diminish the benefits for western consumers. No-one was worried about the growth outlook for China and India. The Indian Planning Minister was very bullish, talking about 9% forever. My sense is that policymakers are relexed (sic) about the short-term economic outlook but anticipate a US collapse at some point. Americans think that RMB reval could save the US. So they would keep pressuring China." Andy Xie Morgan Stanley ==================================================


发表于:2006-10-08 10:05只看该作者
发表于:2006-10-10 15:20只看该作者







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